Walkin’ Bigfoot And Talkin’ Bigfoot

by | Apr 11, 2023


Walkin Bigfoot

He walks on his big feet All day long

Talking while he’s walking and a’singing this song

All the Bigfoots on bigfeet street love to see a Bigfoot Meet and greet!

Walkin’ Bigfoot, ya ya, ya

Talkin’ Bigfoot, ya ya, ya

Were gonna get some Bigfoot and we’re gonna make good tracks tonight!

Buddy Bigfoot stops by your place

Gonna bring a good time filled with yays!

You might consider dark duck is fine.

But Buddy Bigfoot’s as good, no ly’an

Buddy Bigfoot. Ya, ya, ya.

Buddy Bigfoot. Ya, ya, ya.

Buddy Bigfoot’s here and we’re gonna make some good tonight!